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the culture and history of the native people of the great basin...
Deer Artist graphic.
Elder and Mountains graphic.
Elder and Family graphic.
Culture in Paintings graphic.


Welcome to our online video collection. We hope you enjoy the items offered. 在这个网页上,你会发现口述历史的视频,西方肖肖尼歌曲,和其他类型的视频.

口述历史的录像和对长者的采访可以在澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载图书馆找到. 下面的链接描述的长者将允许您查看一个简短的剪辑,他们是什么和代表.


Beverly Brazzanovich

Beverly talks about where she is from and family backgrounds.

Beverly Brazzanovich Clip

Adele and Edith Fisk

The Fisks talk about their early days in Battle Mountain, Nevada.

Adele and Edith Fisk Clip

Florence Steele & Lee Moon

弗洛伦斯·斯蒂尔和李文讲述了澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载土狼和鸭子女士的Goshute创造故事. They also share the origin of the name, "Goshute.“它们解释了动物的不同部位是如何被用作工具的,以及哪些植物被用作食物. 弗洛伦斯和李还描述了他们的尤特邻居的一些舞蹈和仪式.

Florence Steele & Lee Moon Clip

Vivian Cinnibar

Vivian Cinnibar非常了解她的家族在西部肖肖尼历史上所扮演的角色. 她解释了1863年与美国政府签署《澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载》之后的争议, known as the treaty of Peace and Friendship. Vivian relates to how the church educated the Shoshoni at Duck Valley, the time she spent going to boarding school at Riverside, and how tuberculosis killed many of her siblings as a child.

Vivian Cinnibar Clip

Harold Miller & Beverly Brazzanovich

Harold Miller, from the Walker Indian Reservation, talks about very rich and old Indian tradition, people that have influenced his life, and the traditional life-styles of Indian men. Beverly talks about the age of becoming a woman, rituals that the Indian women would partake in, and some of the superstitions that follow their traditions. Harold knows a lot about the old ways, he encourages Indian youth to respect their elders, learn the language, and not to forget about the culture in which their heritage resides.

Harold Miller & Beverly Brazzanovich Clip

Dave McKinney

Dave McKinney, born 1907, shares some memories of his childhood while growing up in Gold Creek, Nevada. 他描述了他年轻时做过的几份不同的工作以及他得到的工资. These jobs include ranching, building part of Mountain City Highway for the Conservation Corps, and building the dam at Wildhorse in Northeastern Nevada.  He tells about the most famous race between “Race Harney” on foot and his dad, “Bill McKinney,” on horseback during one of the Fourth of July celebrations in Owyhee. 他还讲述了在聚会上玩的手牌游戏,并唱了一首他的手牌游戏歌曲.

Dave McKinney Clip

Eleanor Little

Eleanor Little talks about her birth at Miller Creek, her family, and how they came to be at the Owyhee Reservation. She describes her stay at a tuberculosis sanitarium, 还有她的哥哥是如何在她16岁的时候因病去世的,那时她还很小. 她分享了澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载药用植物和印度人澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载健康的信仰的信息. 她要求人们尊重印度人,并解释了为什么某些词语特别无礼.

Eleanor Little Clip

Ilaine Premo: Part I

Ilaine Premo, in detail, 描述了她在李镇长大的童年的各种记忆和回忆, and Battle Mountain. 她的祖母是一名女药师,对治愈疾病和伤口的强大故事和自然疗法了如指掌. 伊莱恩还分享了她对周围地区的一些记忆和知识,这里现在被称为矿场, Cortez. 她解释了从祖母那里传下来的知识和故事. These include beliefs about death, the story about the “Big Bird,” and also, a story about “Water Babies.”

Ilaine Premo Part One Clip

Raymond Yowell

Raymond Yowell, born in Elko, talks about Shoshoni lineage, various events and memories from being raised by his extended family, and also the Indian Medicine men throughout Nevada. 他对印第安人的狩猎传统、捕鱼和季节性食物有着丰富的知识. 当雷蒙德讨论他的人民的信仰和习俗时,肖肖尼宗教的知识也被传递给了他. His experience with Shoshoni customs date back to the 1850-1870's, which he shares that he obtained from the Shoshoni elders.

Raymond Yowell Clip

Hillman Tobey

Hillman Tobey, ninety-three years old, shares times about his youth, memories while living at the Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation, the boarding school he attended, and his long life as a carpenter. He describes the school he attended which was very strict, and how his brother got him interested in his skill of pipe making. Hillman crafts, 并展示了他在世界各地销售的一些最具异国情调和美丽的烟斗. He tells about the, "Red Willow," which is used as tobacco for prayer in the pipes.

Hillman Tobey Clip

Marge Hall Puela

Marge Hall Puella, 一位西部肖肖尼人讲述了她的父母以及他们传给她的一些习俗. 玛吉还讨论了她上过的不同学校,以及当时种族隔离是一个多么严重的问题. Marge brings with her recordings of her mother singing, and then explains exactly what she is singing and what it represents.

Marge Hall Puela Clip

Delores Cummings

德洛丽丝·卡明斯讨论了她母亲在她成为女人的过程中教给她的许多传统习俗. Delores also explains the practices and procedures they do for the deceased, describes how her grandmother and the Sopes were her relatives, 以及制作摇篮板的传统以及新一代如何继续传授这一传统. 德洛丽丝给新一代的一些建议是尊重长辈和身边的人.

Delores Cummings Clip

Andrea Woods

Andrea Woods speaks mostly about her grandmother, Gimma Jones. Gimma passed down extensive knowledge about Western Shoshoni life, sewing, and basic survival around the Northeastern Nevada area. These stories are about what Andrea's grandmother's life was like when she was young, what she did to live on different ranches, stories that date back from the mid 1800's, and all the talents that Gimma possessed.

Andrea Woods Clip

Lyle Nutting & Eloy Thacker

Lyle Nutting and Eloy Thacker, classmates, 他们一起长大,一起去了奥怀希学校,谈谈学校一开始面临的挑战. 1937年,当学校第一次向肖肖尼和派尤特人开放时,莱尔的父亲是第一任校长,莱尔讨论了学校的早期历史和传统. Eloy relates to the times growing up in Owyhee, his memories of attending the school, and discusses what sports were like and the games they played. With the knowledge passed down from his father, 莱尔还讲述了新学校的建设和学校名称背后的原因.

Lyle Nutting & Eloy Thacker

Ellison Jackson

Ellison Jackson, Shoshoni, explains about the early lifestyles in Owyhee, Nevada, how he did not know his English name, and gives a tutorial on the hand game. He describes how he worked on a ranch and grew up as a cowboy, explains some of his Shoshoni Indian culture and customs, and the legend about the wolf and the coyote. 埃里森还用他的鼓唱了一首歌,并提到这首歌讲述了一个澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载大自然母亲和动物的故事.

Ellison Jackson Clip

Earl & Beverly Crum

厄尔和贝弗利·克拉姆分享了几首肖肖尼歌曲,并讲述了它们的起源. They explain the use of songs at gatherings for the bear dance, and Beverly discusses how and why hand games are played. Earl sings a variety of songs while Beverly translates the songs into poetry, discusses the morals of the songs, and how it is told to their children. The Crums also tell what their early lives were like growing up in Nevada, what they did for food, and some of the traditions that the Shoshoni followed.

Earl & Beverly Crum Clip

Evelyn Temoke- Roche

Evelyn Temoke-Roché, a native of the Western Shoshoni, discusses her customs, the origin of the Temoke name, and the details of her family history. Evelyn's grandfather, Muchach, and father, Frank, were both chiefs of the Te-moak, of which she shares their history, treaties they were involved in, and how they came to be. 她还描述了肖肖尼人用作草药的传统植物和自然疗法. Evelyn gives details on what type of role and power the medicine men, and women, played in the Shoshoni society and culture.

Evelyn Temoke-Roche Clip

Alvin and Lorraine Sims

Alvin and Lorraine Sims talk about their family from Paradise Valley, relate to their early lives growing up, and discuss the numerous families that they knew. They relate to how Captain Sam, Western Shoshoni leader, 帮助选择奥怀伊作为西部肖肖尼印第安人保留地,而不是卡林农场, where Carlin and Newmont Mining are located today. Alvin and Lorraine both refer to various Indian doctors, Indian tea, and what they used as Indian medicine. 他们给年轻一代的建议是远离毒品和酒精, listen to their elders, and work together as a team.

Alvin and Lorraine Sims Clip

Nevada Penoli

Nevada Penoli, who has spent her entire life in Nevada, 分享她收集松子的故事,以及部落如何获取松子. 她还讲述了她母亲和祖母在19世纪末所忍受的一些生活条件.They both passed on stories to Nevada on the way of wagon life, traveling, and various other aspects during that time. She witnessed how deer hides were transformed into pants, shirts, gloves, and describes how every part of the animal was used and the purpose of its use. 

Nevada Penoli Clip

Carrie Dann of the Indigenous Environment Network

Carrie Dann, of the Indigenous Environmental Network, 讲述了她和西部肖肖尼人澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载土地的斗争. She discusses the history of the land, 以及美国政府如何向西部肖肖尼人撒谎,说他们偷走了他们的西部土地. Carrie talks about gradual encroachment of the government, how it is not a written law, 并描述了西肖肖尼人的土地从未在任何美国法院系统中被争论过.

Carrie Dann IEN Clip

Raymond Yowell of the Indigenous Environmental Network

Raymond Yowell, a former chief, 在南福克印第安保留地举行的土著环境网络上发表演讲. 本次会议的重点是保护地球母亲及其重要性.  雷蒙德详细描述了由于美国政府非法侵占他们的土地,肖肖尼人的斗争. He tells about the corruption of the lawyers who represented the Shoshoni, the treaties that were not honored by the United States Government, the aboriginal Western Shoshoni territory, and about the history of the western territories and the Indians who occupied them.

Raymond Yowell IEN Clip

History of the Ghost Dance

Harold Miller begins by talking about the spirits of his people, some of his memories while growing up, and how an elder influenced him to become the man he is today. Raymond, from the Walker Paiute Tribe, shares his knowledge on the history of the Ghost Dance, its meaning, and how important it is to his people. Harold also explains how Indians should stay with their religion, how it has become somewhat corrupt over the years, and how everyone should focus on equality and quit judging other human beings.

History of the Ghost Dance Clip

Temoak Annual Pow-Wow

In 2005 at the Elko Colony gym, dancers came from all over Nevada and parts of Idaho, Utah and California. Approximately two hundred and fifty attended the event.

Temoak Annual Pow-Wow Clip

Social Exhibition Pow-Wow

A social Pow-Wow, which was held open to the public, it consists of various dances, singing, and the drum groups of the Eagle Bear Clan, Painted Horse, Sweet Sage, and Buffalo Chaser. 露西尔·琼斯为所有参加帕瓦仪式的人祈祷祝福, 而鹰熊氏族则在庆祝活动开始前演唱胜利和国旗歌曲.

Social Exhibition Pow-Wow Clip